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G503 WWII Jeep 1943 Ford GPW History

The G503 WWII Jeep 1943 Ford GPW has an important place in history. Here some interesting notes about the Jeep history for this time period.

This article applies to 1943 Ford GPW WWII Military Jeeps 

1. Ford Contracts
Ford had 5 contracts with the Government to build the Willys design jeep. They were as follows: (summarized from Nabholtz information)


Contract #Serial #Date of DeliveryHow Many?(Approx)
F-11-15000Feb 42-Apr 4215,000
F-215001-78146Apr 42-Nov 4263,147
F-378147-101304Nov 42-Mar 4323,158
F-4101305-179758Mar 43-Jan 4478,454
F-4 Ext 1179759-226205Jan 44-Oct 4446,447
F-4 Ext 2225206-252741Oct 44-Feb 4526,536
F-5252742-277878Feb 45-July 4525,136

3. A Ford Jeep produced in 1943 could be under one of two contracts:
Contract F-3 and part of F-4
Serial numbers: 89381-170021

4. F-3 Contract distinct Features
Trailer Socket added
Generator: Autolite
Distributor: Autolite
Regulator: Autolite
Tires: Goodrich
Last Serial number under F-3 contract 101304 (Mar 43)

F-3 Contract Production by Month

MonthSerial NumberHow Many?
Nov 4278147-821203,973
Dec 4282121-893807,259

6. F-3 Production by Manufacturing Plants
Edgewater 740
Chester, 1,817
Dallas,TX: 6,720
Louisville, KY: 8,471
Richmond,CA: 5,410

7. Note: Ford GPW's should have matching Frame and Engine numbers

8. F-4 distinct Features
Tires: Firestone
Front Bumper: GPW type 2 tooling holes, wood block filler
Oil Filter: Fram, cone shaped outboard drain
Rear Crossmember: similar tooling holes as front bumper
Radiator Hose: Top-metal in black or OD
Battery Cable: Round-braided (ground)
Reflectors changed to Oval type GUIDE not F stamped
Crating started during this time
Body: late in this year move to ACM I

9. Gages: Stewart Warner (generally)-Temp/Oil can be Autolite
Windshield: Standard with stamped steel clamps
Extinguisher bracket: two band clamps some marked G8T
Seats: Standard padded with backrest

F-4 Contract Production by Month

MonthSerial NumberHow Many?
Apr 43105233-1111695936
May 43111170-1194188248
Jun 43119419-1254436024
Jul 43125444-1321866742
Aug 43132187-1396087421
Sep 43139609-1474607851
Oct 43147461-1552607799
Nov 43155261-1624857224
Dec 43162486-1700217535

11. F-4 Production by Manufacturing Plants
Dearborne 22,462
Edgewater, 598
Dallas,TX: 15,703
Louisville, KY: 27,526
Richmond,CA: 12,165

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