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G503 WWII Ford Willys Jeep General information

Below is a list of informational articles pertaining to the WWII G503 Jeep.

Serial # Search

Search for your G503 WWII serial number

Items on this Jeep

Items found specifically on this jeep model


History of this Vehicle, Manufacturing and interesting facts

Jeep Owners

List of owners who have this model of the WWII jeep


Vendors who sell NOS or Repo parts

Cost of Restoring

Estimated Cost of restoring your G503 WWII Jeep

Register Your Jeep

Help find Accuracy of remaining Jeeps

Bolt List

G503 WWII Jeep Bolt List

DOD Calendar

G503 WWII 1943 Ford GPW Jeep production Calendar

Wiring Diagram

G503 WWII Willys Ford Jeep Wiring Diagram

WWII Jeep Registry

We log all jeeps by serial number...add yours!

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